Welcome to FlashGet!

The award-winning premier download manager for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me,Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

FlashGet was designed to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. A few glances here and there over this help file will allow you to sort out the more detailed aspects of operation, and of course everything in between.

Just click on an area of interest.

The latest version and several language version of this document is available online

Last Updated 22 May. 2004.

What is FlashGet?
FlashGet features

Installing FlashGet
Updating FlashGet
Uninstalling FlashGet

Quick Start
Getting started with FlashGet in a hurry.

Managing download jobs
Getting those files organized.

What's the meaning behind those funny icons?

The FlashGet menu items explained.

Managing files
Getting info on the properties of your downloads, and learning about the different ways to get FlashGet to do its stuff.

Interface settings
Doing things your way. Changing this and that for a better FlashGet experience.

Tools > Options. All those tabs explained! This is the heart of FlashGet.


Site Explorer
Browse Ftp&Http Site.

Frequently-Asked Questions.

Credit where credit is due.